Well, I survived the camping trip. Besides the heat, sand, and no running water, it was a great time! Attached are some highlight photos.
JD is notorious for winning the "most stuck" award EVERY time. This trip was no exception. He 'claims' he had no brakes, but funny, his brakes worked after the swim in the water -hmmm (scratching head). It took both Jared and Clint's rigs working together to get him out. I got to hand it to him though. He got it running again and didn't miss out on the action the rest of the weekend. Despite his casualties of two cell phones and a camera (the camera was never seen again).
The other shot is Clint holding the rattlesnake I found when looking for a pee spot. Yep, you got it. I was paranoid the rest of the weekend. Luckily, it was the only one we saw all weekend. Clint let me keep the rattler as a souvenir after he shot it in the head.
I got to say, there was more time spent fixing rigs than playing in them. About 3 or 4 more times fixing than playing. I guess that's part of it. I have to give the guys credit though, they can fix anything. I saw Jeff and Isaac use cardboard from a beer box to fashion a gasket. That's creative.
I learned alot, too. Since this was my first camping trip, I learned that next time I should not come so prepared. We brought way too much food and we didn't fix all the elaborate dishes I had planned like 'Hot off the grill Apricot Pie'. After seeing how the boys camp, I was embarrassed to bring out any more of what I considered necessities. However, Clint did fix me a wonderful breakfast Sunday morning on our new camp stove that included fried eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns. Yummy! It was bad enough Clint and I were the only ones in a tent sleeping on an air mattress, while the guys slept in the back seats of their trucks, wearing their dirty jeans. They were very kind and gracious, though, considering I was the only girl intruding in their 'men's world'.
If you want to see more of the action, click here http://picasaweb.google.com/jjTexas424/CampingMemorialDay2007?authkey=M6_6_l5sxHI Unfortunately, I didn't get many human subjects in my documentary. What's new.